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Monday, April 30, 2012

We are all connected

It has been awhile for a post on Creative Japan Relief. It seems like most fundraising efforts have dried up... What is happening in Japan? The situation seems to have dropped mostly out of the American news ... it's hard to dig up useful information and mostly I hear confusion and worry from friends who live in Japan, worry about food safety, worry about Tokyo's proximity to Fukushima, worry for the refugees and for those who didn't have the resources to leave. Most recently I am reminded how connected we all are by reading about a huge mass of tsunami debris coming our way. We are starting to see the pieces of those lives destroyed, literally reaching our shores. I hope we Americans can stay connected to our friends in Japan by continuing to support however we can. While continuing to share information on artists and creatives who are making work to support Japan, I am hoping to also let this blog be a place where we can collect some personal testimony from people living in Japan, Japanese or expatriate.

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